
Body Facials


Vajacial $75 - 40 minutes

Don’t limit skincare to just your face. The skin “down there” needs help, too. Sweating, tight clothes, and irritation can lead to acne, blackheads, and ingrown hairs. Using natural, vegan products, the benefits of a vajacial include:

  • Treat ingrown hairs

  • Removes dead skin cells

  • Smooth bumps around the bikini line

  • Prevent acne

  • Help maintain healthier and hydrated skin

  • Reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation and discoloration

Vajacial steps:

Cleanse, steam, enzyme peel (exfoliating mask), extractions, high frequency, peel off or azulene mask, moisturize.


Vajacial + Wax $100 - 60 minutes


Booty Facial $65 - 60 minutes

Pamper your backside for clear skin and even skin tone. Treat your cheeks during a wax or anytime between waxes to relieve ingrown hairs.

Treatment steps:

Cleanse, steam, extractions, enzyme peel (exfoliating mask), high frequency, peel off or azulene mask, moisturize.


Underarm Ingrown Hair Treatment $50 - 45 minutes

Treat your underarms to a mini facial on the underarm area to treat ingrown hairs, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation. The treatment can be done at the time of wax or anytime between waxes.

Treatment steps:

Cleanse, steam, extractions, enzyme peel (exfoliating mask), high frequency, peel off or azulene mask, moisturize.


Full Back Facial $80 - 60 minutes

Get all the benefits of a luxury facial on the skin you can’t see – your back! This custom treatment improves the appearance of “bacne,” clogged pores and pimples that appear on your back.

Treatment steps:

Cleanse, steam, extractions, enzyme peel (exfoliating mask), high frequency, peel off or azulene mask, moisturize.